
Refereed Journal Publications | Other Publications

Refereed Journal Publications

  • Fair Allocation of Vaccines, Ventilators and Antiviral Treatments: Leaving No Ethical Value Behind in Health Care Rationing,” (joint with Parag Pathak,  Utku Ünver and M. Bumin Yenmez). Management Science, 70(6):3999-4036, June 2024. [ PDF ] [ Webinar ] [ Slides ]  [ April-2020 NBER WP version ] [ Website with Software & Policy ImpactMedia

  • Redesigning the US Army’s Branching Process: A Case Study in Minimalist Market Design,” (joint with Kyle Greenberg and Parag Pathak), American Economic Review 114 (4): 1070-1106, April 2024.  [ PDF ] [ Online Appendix ] [ Policy Impact ] Minimalist Market Design

  • The First 4-Way Liver Paired Exchange from an Interdisciplinary Collaboration between Healthcare Professionals and Design Economists,” (joint with Sezai Yilmaz,  Utku Ünver, Volkan Ince, Sami Akbulut, Burak Isik and Sukru Emre), American Journal of Transplantation, 23(10), 1612-1621, October 2023. [ PDF ] [ Policy ImpactMedia

  • Immigration Lottery Design: Engineered and Coincidental Consequences of H-1B Reforms,” (joint with Parag Pathak and Alex Rees-Jones). Forthcoming in Review of Economics and Statistics. [ PDF ] [ NBER Digest Summary ]

  • Reversing Reserves,”  (joint with Parag A. Pathak and Alex Rees-Jones),  Management Science, 69:11, 6940-6953, November 2023.  [ PDF ] [ Web Appendix ] [ Knowledge at Wharton Writeup ]

  • Use of a Weighted Lottery to Equitably Allocate Scarce Supply of COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody Pre-exposure Prophylaxis,” (joint with Erin K. McCreary, Utibe R. Essien, Chung-Chou H. Chang, Rachel A. Butler, Parag Pathak,  Utku Ünver, Ashley Steiner, Maddie Chrisman, Derek C. Angus and Douglas B. White).  JAMA Health Forum. 2023;4(9):e232774. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2023.2774

  • Reserve system design for allocation of scarce medical resources in a pandemic: Some perspectives from the field,” (joint with Parag  Pathak, Govind Persad, and Utku Ünver ), Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 38(4), 924-940, December 2022. [ PDF[ Website with Software & Policy Impact ]

  • Affirmative Action in India via Vertical, Horizontal, and Overlapping Reservations” (joint with M. Bumin Yenmez), Econometrica, 90(3), 1143-1176, May 2022. [ PDF ] [Online Appendix] [ Policy ImpactOp-ed ] [ Promotional VideoEarlier Versions

    This final version subsumes the following two earlier working papers:

    1-  “Affirmative Action in India via Vertical and Horizontal Reservations,”  (joint with M. Bumin Yenmez). [ March-2019 PDF ]  [ October-2019 PDF ]

    2-  “Affirmative Action with Overlapping Reserves,” (joint with M. Bumin Yenmez). [ PDF ]

    Note: The two earlier versions of the manuscript #1 and the manuscript #2 each has additional analytical content that  is not included in any other version, including the current February 2021 main version which subsumes both manuscripts.

    Policy oriented readers may prefer the following previous version of the paper which only differs with the final version in its more policy oriented Introduction and title:

    Can Economic Theory Be Informative for the Judiciary? Affirmative Action in India via Vertical and Horizontal Reservations,”  (joint with M. Bumin Yenmez). 

  • A Multi-center Weighted Lottery to Equitably Allocate Scarce COVID-19 Therapeutics,” (joint with Douglas White, Erin McCreary,  Chung-Chou Ho Chang, Mark Schmidhofer,  Robert Truog,  Govind Persad, Naudia Jonassaint,  Parag Pathak, and   Utku Ünver),  American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 206(4):503-506, August 15, 2022.

  • Deduction Dilemmas: The Taiwan Assignment Mechanism,” (joint with Umut Dur Parag Pathak, and Fei Song),  AEJ: Microeconomics 14(1), 164-85, February 2022. [ PDF ] [ AEA Coverage ]

  • A Novel Approach to Equitable Distribution of Scarce Therapeutics: Institutional Experience Implementing a Reserve System for Allocation of COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibodies,” (joint with Emily Rubin Scott L Dryden-PetersonSarah P HammondInga LennesAlyssa R Letourneau, Parag Pathak, and M Utku Ünver), CHEST Journal, 160:6, 2323-31, December 2021. 

  • Reserve Systems for Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Path From April 2020 to April 2021,” (joint with Parag Pathak and M Utku Ünver),  CHEST Journal, 160:4, 1572-1575, October 2021. 

  • “Categorized Priority Systems A New Tool for Fairly Allocating Scarce Medical Resources in the Face of Profound Social Inequities,” joint with (Parag Pathak,  M Utku Ünver), Govind Persad, Robert D. Truog, and Douglas B. White),  CHEST Journal,  159:3, 1294-1299, March 2021. [ PDF ]

  • Covid-19: how to prioritize worse-off populations in allocating safe and effective vaccines,”  (joint with Harald Schmidt, Parag Pathak and M Utku Ünver), British Medical Journal, 2020;371:m3795. [ PDF ]

  • Incentivized Kidney Exchange,”  (joint with  Utku Ünver and M. Bumin Yenmez),  American Economic Review, 110(7): 2198-2224, July 2020. [ PDF ] [ Online Appendix ]

  • Efficient and Incentive-Compatible Liver Exchange,” (joint with Haluk Ergin and  Utku Ünver), Econometrica, 88(3): 965-1005, May 2020. [ PDF ] [ Online Appendix ] [ Policy Impact ] Media

  • Explicit vs. Statistical Targeting in Affirmative Action: Theory and Evidence from Chicago’s Exam Schools” (joint with Umut Dur and Parag Pathak), Journal of Economic Theory, 187, 104996, May 2020. [ PDF ]

  • “Reserve Design: Unintended Consequences and The Demise of Boston’s Walk Zones,” (joint with Umut Dur, Scott Duke Kominers, and Parag A. Pathak),  Journal of Political Economy,  126(6), December 2018. [ PDF ] [ Testimony to Boston School Committee ] [ Related Op-ed ]

  • “How (Not) to Integrate Blood Subtyping Technology to Kidney Exchange,” (joint with Utku Ünver and Özgür Yilmaz),  Journal of Economic Theory176: 193-231, July 2018.  [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • Market Design for Living-Donor Organ Exchanges: An Economic Policy Perspective, (with Utku Ünver), Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 33(4), 676–704, November 2017. [ Abstract ]  [ PDF ]

  • “Dual-Donor Organ Exchange,” (joint with Haluk Ergin and Utku Ünver), Econometrica 85(5): 1645-1671, September 2017.   [ Abstract ] [ PDF ] [ Supplemental Appendix ] [ Press Coverage ].

  • School Choice Under Complete Information: An Experimental Study,” (joint with Yan Chen and Yingzhi Liang), Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design, 1(1): 45-82, December 2016. 

  • “Matching with Slot-Specific Priorities: Theory,” (joint with Scott Duke Kominers), Theoretical Economics, 11(2), 683-710, May 2016. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Kidney Exchange and the Alliance for Paired Donation: Operations Research Changes the Way Kidneys Are Transplanted,” (joint with Ross Anderson, Itai Ashlagi, David Gamarnik, Michael Rees, Alvin Roth and Utku Unver), INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 45-1: 26-42, January-February 2015. [ Informs link ]

  • “Altruistically Unbalanced Kidney Exchange,” (joint with Utku Ünver), Journal of Economic Theory, 152: 105-129, July 1014. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Matching with Contracts: Comment.” (joint with with Orhan Aygün), American Economic Review, 103(5): 2050-2051, August 2013. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ] [ Detailed Working Paper ]

  • “Matching with (Branch-of-Choice) Contracts at the United States Military Academy.” (joint with Tobias Switzer), Econometrica, 81(2): 451-488, March 2013. [ PDF ] [ Policy Impact ] [ Media ]

  • “School Admissions Reform in Chicago and England: Comparing Mechanisms by Their Vulnerability to Manipulation.” (joint with Parag Pathak), American Economic Review, 103(1): 80-106, February 2013. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ] [ AppendixCorrigendum for Proposition 3

  • “Bidding for Army Career Specialties: Improving the ROTC Branching Mechanism.” Journal of Political Economy, 121(1):  186-219, February 2013. [ PDF ] [ Policy Impact ] [ Media ]

  • “House Allocation with Existing Tenants: A Characterization.” (joint with Utku Ünver), Games and Economic Behavior, 69(2): 425-445, July 2010. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Course Bidding at Business Schools.” (joint with Utku Ünver), International Economic Review, 51(1): 99-123, Feb 2010. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Leveling the Playing Field: Sincere and Strategic Players in the Boston Mechanism.” (joint with Parag Pathak), American Economic Review, 98(4), 1636-1652, 2008. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Kidney Paired Donation with Compatible Pairs.” (joint with Alvin Roth and  Utku Ünver), American Journal of Transplantation, 8(2):463, Feb 2008. [ PDF ]

  • “Efficient Kidney Exchange: Coincidence of Wants in Markets with Compatibility-Based Preferences.” (joint with Alvin Roth and Utku Ünver), American Economic Review, 97-3: 828-851, June 2007. [ PDF ]  [AppendixMedia

  • “Utilizing List Exchange and Non-directed Donation through “Chain” Paired Kidney Donations.” (joint with Alvin Roth, Utku Ünver, Francis Delmonico and Susan Saidman), American Journal of Transplantation 6(11): 2694-2705, November 2006. [ PDF ]

  • “School Choice: An Experimental Study.” (joint with Yan Chen),  Journal of Economic Theory, 127: 2002-231, March 2006. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ] [ Corrigendum ] Press Coverage

  • “Increasing the Opportunity of Live Kidney Donation by Matching for Two and Three Way Exchanges.” (joint with Susan Saidman, Alvin Roth, Utku Ünver and Francis Delmonico), Transplantation, 81(5): 773-782, March 15, 2006. [ PDF ]

  • “Games of School Choice under the Boston Mechanism” (joint with Haluk Ergin),  Journal of Public Economics, 90: 215-237, January 2006. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Pairwise Kidney Exchange” (joint with Alvin Roth and Utku Ünver),  Journal of Economic Theory, 125: 151-188, December 2005. [ PDF ] [ JET 50th Anniversary Special IssueMedia

  • “House Allocation with Existing Tenants: An Equivalence” (joint with Utku Ünver), Games and Economic Behavior 52: 153-185, July 2005. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Room Assignment-Rent Division: A Market Approach” (joint with Atila Abdulkadiroğlu and Utku Ünver), Social Choice and Welfare 22: 515-538, June 2004. [ Abstract ] [ PDFPress Coverage

  • “Kidney Exchange” (joint with Alvin Roth and Utku Ünver), Quarterly Journal of Economics 119-2: 457-488, May 2004. (Also see much detailed NBER working paper version.) [ Abstract ] [ PDF ] [ Policy ImpactMedia

  • “An Experimental Study of House Allocation Mechanisms” (joint with Yan Chen), Economics Letters 83-1: 137-140, April 2004. [ PDF ]

  • “Ordinal Efficiency and Dominated Sets of Assignments” (joint with Atila Abdulkadiroğlu), Journal of Economic Theory 112: 157-172, September 2003. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “School Choice: A Mechanism Design Approach”  (joint with Atila Abdulkadiroğlu), American Economic Review 93-3: 729-747, June 2003. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ] [ Policy Impact ] Press Coverage

  • “Improving Efficiency of On-Campus Housing: An Experimental Study.” (joint with Yan Chen), American Economic Review 92-5: 1669-1686, December 2002. [ Abstract ][ PDF ]

  • “Core in a Simple Coalition Formation Game.” (joint with Suryapratim Banarjee and Hideo Konishi), Social Choice and Welfare 18: 135-153, 2001. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “House Allocation with Existing Tenants.” (joint with Atila Abdulkadiroğlu), Journal of Economic Theory 88: 233-260, October 1999. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Strategy-Proofness and Essentially Single-Valued Cores.” Econometrica 67: 677-689, May 1999. [ PDF ]

  • “Can Pre-Arranged Matches be Avoided in Two-Sided Matching Markets?”  Journal of Economic Theory 86: 148-156,  May 1999. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “A Tale of Two Mechanisms: Student Placement.” (joint with Michel Balinski), Journal of Economic Theory, 84: 73-94, January 1999. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ] [ Policy Impact ]

  • “Random Serial Dictatorship and the Core from Random Endowments in House Allocation Problems.” (joint with Atila Abdulkadiroğlu), Econometrica 66: 689-701, May 1998. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Manipulation via Capacities in Two-Sided Matching Markets.”  Journal of Economic Theory 77: 197-204, November 1997. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Games of Manipulation in Marriage Problems.” Games and Economic Behavior 20: 169-176, 1997. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Implementation of College Admission Rules.” (joint with Tarık Kara), Economic Theory 9: 197-218, 1997. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Implementation in Generalized Matching Problems.”  Journal of Mathematical Economics 26: 429-439, 1996. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Strategy-Proofness in Many-to-One Matching Problems.” Economic Design 1: 365-380, 1996.

  • “Nash Implementation of Matching Rules.” (joint with Tarık Kara), Journal of Economic Theory 68: 425-439, February 1996. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]

  • “Consistency, Monotonicity, and the Uniform Rule.” Economics Letters 46: 229-235, 1994.

  • Other Publications

    • “Liver Paired Exchange,” (joint with Sezai Yilmaz,  Utku Ünver, Veysel Umman, Volkan Ince, Sami Akbulut, Murat Zeytunlu, Burak Isik, Sukru Emre), Living Donor Organ Transplantation,  Volume 2, Chapter 34.16.2, Rainer W.G. Gruessner and  Enrico Benedetti (eds), Academic Press, 2024. [ PDF ]

    • Fair access to scarce medical capacity for non-covid-19 patients: a role for reserves,” (joint with Govind Persad, Parag Pathak, and  M Utku Ünver),  BMJ 2022;376:o276.

    • “Cadet-Branch Matching,” ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 13(1): 50-57, June 2014. [PDF] [Policy Impact ]

    • “Market Design for Kidney Exchange.” (with Utku Ünver) Z. Neeman, A. Roth, N. Vulkan (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Market Design, Oxford, 2013. [ PDF ]

    • “Matching Markets: Theory and Practice.” (joint with Atila Abdulkadiroğlu), D. Acemoglu, M. Arello, and E. Dekel (eds),  Advances in Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 1,  Cambridge, 3-47, 2013. [ PDF ]

    • “Matching, Allocation, and Exchange of Discrete Resources.” (joint with Utku Ünver), J. Benhabib, A. Bisin, and M. Jackson (eds.), Handbook of Social Economics, Handbook of Social Economics, Vol. 1A. The Netherlands: North-Holland, (2011) 781-852. [ PDF ]

    • “Matching.” (joint with Muriel Niederle and Alvin Roth), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition, Eds. Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. [ PDF ]

    • “The Boston Public School Match.” (joint with Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Parag Pathak and Alvin Roth), American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 95-2: 368-371, May 2005. [ PDF ]

    • “A Kidney Exchange Clearinghouse in New England.” (joint with Alvin Roth and Utku Ünver), American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 95-2: 376-380, May 2005. [ PDF ]