- “Minimalist Market Design: A Framework for Economists with Policy Aspirations” [ PDF ]
- “Matching under Non-transferable Utility: Theory” (joint with Utku Ünver), prepared for Handbook of the Economics of Matching, Volume 2, Elsevier, Yeon-Koo Che, Pierre-Andre Chiaporri, and Bernard Salanie (eds).
- “Matching under Non-transferable Utility: Applications” (joint with Utku Ünver), prepared for Handbook of the Economics of Matching, Volume 2, Elsevier, Yeon-Koo Che, Pierre-Andre Chiaporri, and Bernard Salanie (eds).
- “Informed Neutrality in Minimalist Market Design: A Case Study on a Constitutional Crisis in India” (joint with Utku Ünver). [ The Hindu Op Ed ] Earlier Version Prior to EWS Quota JudgmentThe current version supersedes the ArXiv working paper “How (Not) to Reform India’s Affirmative Action Policies for Its Economically Weaker Segments’‘ which was circulated before the judgment.
Passive Working Papers
- “Paying It Backward and Forward: Expanding Access to Convalescent Plasma Therapy Through Market Design,” (joint with Scott D. Kominers, Parag Pathak and Utku Ünver). [ PDF ] [ Media ]
- “Affirmative Action with Overlapping Reserves,” (joint with M. Bumin Yenmez). [ PDF ]
- “Enhancing the Efficiency of and Equity in Transplant Organ Allocation via Incentivized Exchange, ” (joint with Utku Ünver). [ PDF ]
- “Lung Exchange” (joint with Haluk Ergin and Utku Ünver). [ PDF ] [ Press Coverage ]
- “Designing for Diversity in Matching” (joint with Scott Duke Kominers). [ PDF ]
- “The Importance of Irrelevance of Rejected Contracts in Matching under Weakened Substitutes Conditions,” (joint with Orhan Aygün). [ PDF ]
- “Matching with Contracts: Critical Role of Irrelevance of Rejected Contracts,” (joint with Orhan Aygün). [ PDF ]
- “Changing the Boston School Choice Mechanism: Strategy-proofness as Equal Access,” (joint with Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Parag Pathak, and Alvin Roth). [ PDF ]
- “Transplant Center Incentives in Kidney Exchange,” (joint with Alvin Roth and Utku Ünver). [ PDF ]
Retired Papers
- “Population Monotonicity of the Nucleolus on a Class of Public Good Problems.” [ PDF ]