Category Archives: Refereed Journal Publications

Kidney Exchange and the Alliance for Paired Donation: Operations Research Changes the Way Kidneys Are Transplanted

“Kidney Exchange and the Alliance for Paired Donation: Operations Research Changes the Way Kidneys Are Transplanted,” (joint with Ross Anderson, Itai Ashlagi, David Gamarnik, Michael Rees, Alvin Roth and Utku Unver), INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 45-1: 26-42, January-February 2015. [ Informs link ]

School Admissions Reform in Chicago and England: Comparing Mechanisms by Their Vulnerability to Manipulation

“School Admissions Reform in Chicago and England: Comparing Mechanisms by Their Vulnerability to Manipulation.” (joint with Parag Pathak), American Economic Review, 103(1): 80-106, February 2013. [ Abstract ] [ PDF ] [ AppendixCorrigendum for Proposition 3