Author Archives: admin

Affirmative Action in India

Affirmative Action in India via Vertical, Horizontal, and Overlapping Reservations” (joint with M. Bumin Yenmez), Econometrica, 90(3), 1143-1176, May 2022. [ PDF ] [Online Appendix] [ Policy ImpactOp-ed ] [ Promotional VideoEarlier Versions

This final version subsumes the following two earlier working papers:

1-  “Affirmative Action in India via Vertical and Horizontal Reservations,”  (joint with M. Bumin Yenmez). [ March-2019 PDF ]  [ October-2019 PDF ]

2-  “Affirmative Action with Overlapping Reserves,” (joint with M. Bumin Yenmez). [ PDF ]

Note: The two earlier versions of the manuscript #1 and the manuscript #2 each has additional analytical content that  is not included in any other version, including the current February 2021 main version which subsumes both manuscripts.

Policy oriented readers may prefer the following previous version of the paper which only differs with the final version in its more policy oriented Introduction and title:

Can Economic Theory Be Informative for the Judiciary? Affirmative Action in India via Vertical and Horizontal Reservations,”  (joint with M. Bumin Yenmez). 

Reserve System for Monoclonal Antibody Allocation

A Novel Approach to Equitable Distribution of Scarce Therapeutics: Institutional Experience Implementing a Reserve System for Allocation of COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibodies,” (joint with Emily Rubin Scott L Dryden-PetersonSarah P HammondInga LennesAlyssa R Letourneau, Parag Pathak, and M Utku Ünver), CHEST Journal, 160:6, 2323-31, December 2021.