School Choice | Kidney & Liver Exchange |
Pandemic Medical Resource Allocation | Market Design | Türk Medyası
School Choice
- “School assignment flaws detailed. Two economists study problem, offer relief,” Boston Globe, 9/12/2003.
- “No Division Required in This School Problem,” New York Times, 3/12/2013. [ PDF ]
- “Expanding Access to High-Quality Schools: Implementing School Choice Algorithms,” Center for American Progress, 11/13/2018.
- “The Opportunities and Risks of K-12 Student Placement Algorithms,” Brookings Institute Report, 28/02/2019.
Kidney & Liver Exchange
- “Cross-donor system planned for region’s kidney patients,” Boston Globe, 6/5/2004.
- “Easing the Kidney Shortage,” Wall Street Journal, 6/17/2004. [ PDF ]
- “OR Successes Run the Gamut, From Concrete to Kidneys,” SIAM News, 6/25/2004. [ PDF ]
- “Kidney Exchange: A Life-Saving Application of Matching Theory,” National Science Foundation-Discoveries, 10/5/2005. [ PDF ]
- “Flesh Trade,” Freakonomics, New York Times Magazine, 7/9/2006. [ PDF ]
- “Paired donations give organ transplants a brighter future,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 5/9/2007. [ PDF ]
- “Undercover Economist: Stakes in kidneys,” Financial Times, July 13, 2007. [ PDF ]
- “A Market for Kidneys?” Wall Street Journal, 11/13/2007. [ PDF ]
- “Kidney Exchange,” NBER Reporter, 11/13/2913.
- “The Economics of Hope: Kidney Exchange,” The Boston College Chronicle, 03/03/2014. [ VIDEO ]
- “Big Data’s Effect on Organ Transplant Wait Lists,” Mashable, 06/23/2014.
- “From Research to Reward: Matching Kidney Donors with Those Who Need Them—and Other Explorations in Economics,” National Academy of Sciences. 2016. [ VIDEO ]
- “How AI Changed Organ Donation in the US,” Quartz, 09/10/2018.
- “Market Failure in Kidney Exchange,” VoxEU, 11/03/2018.
“Kidney Swaps Are Revolutionizing a Broken Organ-Donation System in the U.S.” Time, 11/05/2019.
- “How an Economist Helped Thousands Get New a Kidney,” BBC, 12/17,2019.
“New matching system enables world’s first four-way liver exchange,” News Medical, August 22nd, 2023.
“Un nouveau système d’appariement permet le premier échange de foie à quatre voies au monde,” Ma Clinique, 23 août 2023.
- “Turkish academics’ innovative cross-liver transplantation system saving lives,” Anadolu Ajansi, September 12th, 2023.
“BC researchers enable first four-way liver exchange,” BC News, September 22nd, 2023.
- “The Economist who Helped Patients Get New Kidneys,” New York Times, February 5th, 2024.
- “BC economists integral to one of the world’s leading liver exchange initiatives,” BC News, September 2024.
Pandemic Medical Resource Allocation
- “Markets Can Improve Rationing of Medical Supplies,” Bloomberg Opinion, 04/10/2020.
- “Reserve System Can Help to Address COVID-19 Ventilator Crisis,” BC News, 04/13/2020.
- “Why Science Won’t Ace its COVID-19 Test,” Bloomberg Opinion, 04/18/2020.
- “Who Gets the Ventilator,” Freakonomics, 04/15/2020.
- “How to End the Plasma Shortage for Coranavirus Patients,” Bloomberg Opinion, 05/11/2020.
- “Who Gets Ventilator Priority,” MIT News, 05/13/2020.
- “Blood Banks Face a Generation Gap in Giving,” Wall Street Journal, 07/17/2020. [ PDF ]
“Who Gets the Covid-19 Vaccine First? Here’s One Idea,” New York Times, 07/23/2020.
“Increasing COVID-19 plasma donations,” BC News, 07/28/2020.
- “Will the Hardest-Hit Communities Get the Coronavirus Vaccine?” New York Times, 10/30/2020.
- “The Case for a Covid Vaccine Lottery,” Bloomberg Opinion, 11/09/2020.
- “Vaccine Rollout Could Ease Crisis, But Who Gets it First?” Associated Press, 12/03/2020.
- “A ‘Reserve’ System Can Equitably Allocate Covid-19 Vaccine,” BC News, 12/15/2020.
- “Building Equity into Vaccine Distribution,” MIT News, 02/04/2021.
Market Design
- “Choice Assignments,” Rochester Review, Fall 2005.
“Getting to know Al Roth and Lloyd Shapley, this year’s Nobel laureates in economics,” Washington Post, 10/15/2012.
“Dear Dylan: I am getting ripped off in my group house!” Washington Post Wonkblog, 8/24/2013. [ PDF ]
- “Matchmakers,” Boston College Magazine, Spring 2014. [ PDF ]
- “Lung exchanges: Breathe deeply for the three of us” The Economist, Free Exchange, 9/28/2014.
- “Implementation Issues in 10% Reservation,“ The Hindu, 5/15/2019. [ PDF ]
- “Sequence of Implementation, EWS Quota Outcomes,” The Hindu, 11/01/2022. [ PDF ]
- “The Subtle Levers That Influence Affirmative Action,” The Knowledge at Wharton, 04/25/2023.
News in the Turkish Media / Türk Medyasından Haberler
- “ÖSYM Sistemi Yanlιş,” Aktüel, 30 Ağustos 2001.
“Böbrek takas havuzu üzerinde çalışıyor,” Milliyet, 28 Aralık 2003.
“Amerika’da Sağlık Sistemini Değiştiren Türkler,” Dünya, 24 Ağustos 2010.
- “Nobel Ekonomi ödülü Türklerle böbrek takasını çözen Roth’a,” Milliyet, 16 Ekim 2012.
- “Nobel ÖSYM’ye Gitti!,” Radikal, 16 Ekim 2012.
- “Nuran Çakmakçı ile Söyleşi,” Hürriyet, 28 Ekim 2012.
- “Ekonomi Nobel Ödülüne Bilkent Mezunu Profesörlerden Büyük Katkı,” GazeteBilkent, 31 Aralık, 2012.
- “Serbest Siyasa Söyleşileri – VI: Tayfun Sönmez ve M. Utku Ünver,” SerbestSiyasa, 8 Nisan, 2013.
- “Türkiye Geliştirdi, ABD Uyguladı,” ntvmsnbc, 13 Mayıs, 2013.
- “Ekonomi Profesörü ”Böbrek Havuzu” Problemini Cözdü,” Turuncu, Hürriyet, 11 Ocak, 2014.
- “Innovative Capacity of Turkey,” Today’s Zaman, 2/10/2015.
- “Ekonomik Organ Nakli,” Hürriyet, 2 Ağustos, 2015.
- “Türkiye’de Organ Takas Merkezi Kuruluyor,” T24, 27 Mayıs 2018.
- “Organ takas merkezi yılda 5 bin hayat kurtaracak,” Hürriyet, 27 Mayıs 2018.
“Bu merkezden iyilik saçılıyor!” Malatyatime, 7 Ağustos, 2019.
“Türk doktorlar bir ilki başardı!” Sabah, 28 Temmuz, 2023.
- “Dörtlü çapraz karaciğer nakli, dünya tıp literatürüne girdi,” T24, 28 Temmuz, 2023.
- “Malatya’da aynı anda 5 karaciğer naklini ABD’deki Türk gördü 4’lü, çapraz naklin yolunu açtı,” Ekonomim, 31 Temmuz, 2023.
“Organ nakline ‘ekonomik’ dokunuş,” Diken, 13 Ağustos, 2023.
- “İki Türk ekonomist ‘çapraz işlem’le karaciğer naklinde fark yarattı,” Ekonomim, 24 Ağustos, 2023. [ Video ]
- “Karaciğer nakillerinde bir devrimin hikâyesi,“ Sarkaç, 31 Ağustos, 2023.
- “Organ nakli için ekonomik çözüm,” Habertürk, 7 Eylül, 2023.
“Boston-Malatya hattındaki bilimsel çalışma 33 karaciğer hastasını sağlığına kavuşturdu,” TRT Haber, 12 Eylül, 2023.
- “Karaciğer naklinde dünyada bir ilk,” Sözcü, 13 Eylül, 2023.
“Karaciğer naklinde büyük devrim,” Habertürk, 27 Eylül, 2023.
- “İlklerin üniversitesi! Dünyanın ilk beşli çapraz karaciğer nakli yapıldı,” Habertürk, 1 Kasım, 2023.
- “Dünyanın ilk altılı Karaciğer çapraz nakli Malatya’da yapıldı,” Diken, 26 Ocak, 2024.
- “Dünyanın ilk 6’lı çapraz karaciğer nakli Malatya’da yapıldı,” TRT Haber, 26 Ocak, 2024.
- “Malatya, ‘çapraz karaciğer nakli’nin dünya başkenti oluyor,” Ekonomim, 29 Ocak, 2024.
- “Malatya çapraz karaciğer nakillerinde “dalya” demeye hazırlanıyor,” Anadolu Ajansı, 23 Mart, 2024.
“Dünyanın ilk yedili karaciğer çapraz nakli,” 26 Temmuz, 2024.
“Çapraz karaciğer nakli’nde 20 yılı 2 yıla sığdırdı, 7’li nakil ile dünyada ‘ilk’i gerçekleştirdi,” 30 Temmuz, 2024.
“Dünya tıp tarihinde bir ilk! Türk hekimler aynı anda 7 karaciğer nakli yaptı,” Sabah, 21 Eylül, 2024.
“Türk hekimler yine tarih yazdı: 7’li çapraz nakil,” Medimagazin, 24 Eylül, 2024.[/expand]